We’re accustomed to the traditional recruitment and selection processes where we portray our business as an attractive place to work.
However, when we recruit, we often believe we have ‘done our job’ and it’s sink or swim for the new employee, save for an induction program (if we have one). What we don’t often think about is how we (as an organisation/management) are being viewed by our people.
Traditional employee feedback methods
To ensure we are collecting and acting on feedback we might:
- Provide an engagement survey and act on the issues that arise
- Talk to staff to understand how we can improve our culture and job satisfaction
- Conduct exit interviews
- Survey our clients.
If you are doing the above things you are ahead of the pack.
What about employee feedback on social media?
But are we checking other forms of feedback? What other forms you might ask? There are now opportunities for staff/ex-staff/clients to provide unsolicited feedback on you as an employer.
Think of the model of Air B&B where the guest provides feedback on the accommodation. Now here’s an employee equivalent: https://www.seek.com.au/companies/victoria-university-432394.
Are you paying attention to such feedback? Were you aware this type of feedback was occurring? Would your staff recommend you? Or your clients?
Every interaction makes an impression on your people
This brings about a new age in thinking how we as employers are accommodating and treating our staff. Not only do we want our staff to be productive and benefit from their time with our business, but now we need to consider the impact of how we treat our staff when they leave our business, how we behave in ‘social club’ events, how we treat our clients, and so on.
You have the power to influence the reputation of your business
There is another set of metrics we have to look at. Your capacity to influence how your staff/clients see you is more and more critical with social media in play now. Being aware as to this type of feedback is important but equally important is what you can do to influence more positive feedback.
To understand how you can best manage feedback, both in social media and traditional methods, Novoture can provide a tailored approach for your business.